Predator Capture Services
Wolf captured under contract for the protection of Big Horn Sheep.
Layser's Kennel and contracting participates in a variety of contracts for large predator capture. Be it for individual citizens, private businesses, industry sectors or government agencies we have provided solutions for all types when it comes to the large wild predators. Ranging from site specific, quick response to the depredation of endangered wildlife or livestock, to long term capture and release contracts for government research projects. We have the tools and techniques to work with all of North America's large predators in all environments, weather conditions and situations, while ensuring the client receives the service and solution expected.

Grizzly Bear captured for killing cattle and relocated with coordination with provincial agency.
From putting collars on wolves in remote areas to the capture of family units of Grizzly Bears, Layser's Kennel and contracting can get the job done while maintaining the highest degree of safety for the wildlife, operators and clients.
Wolf humanely captured under contract with livestock producer to prevent further depredation of cattle.

Wolf humanely captured and tranquilized under contract to apply tracking collars for research project

Rapid response with Layser Hounds in response to Alpaca producer sustaining losses to cougar
Cougar treed with Layser Hounds in quick response action in response to the loss of sheep
Layser's Kennel & Contracting responding with Layser Hounds by charter plane on BC west coast under contract with First Nations.

Rapid response for cattle producer in response to Grizzly Bear preying on livestock.
Contract wolf capture and transport for surgery and collar application

Biologists prepare tranquilizers for a treed cougar with Layser Hounds in the background.
Biologists attend to tranquilized cougar while Layser Hounds look on.
Contact us if you have a project or situation that you feel Layser's Kennel & Contracting can help with.