Lay 76 Humane Foot Hold Trap

The Original and First of it's kind
Originally designed in 1976, this was THE FIRST coil spring trap designed specifically from the ground up for wolves and similar sized predators.
As with so many different tools, the necessity for better equipment has given rise to a very select level of professional grade tools. The Lay 76 humane foot hold trap is one of these. While Dan was tasked with the capture and removal of wolves preying on livestock and pets, the tools of the time were lacking. At that time (mid 1970's) the only options for foot hold traps appropriate to even attempt to capture and hold wolves consistently were either long spring traps such as the #4 1/2 or possibly a jump trap. The short falls of the equipment were not only in the designs and functionality but also the common methods of use.
On his own initiative, Dan set out to develop a reliable system of trapping wolves, a trap that would live up to the the need for a tool that would work across the largest range of climates, weather and terrain possible; while at the same time providing never before seen adjustability and safety. A local welding shop near Dan's home helped Dan bring his design from plans to a functional piece of equipment. The result is the Lay 76 and now also the Lay 76 Laminated. The most adjustable, most effective and safest humane foot hold trap. Nothing functions better, catches more or holds as well as the Lay 76 foot hold trap. Simply put, it is the best wolf trap ever made.
Under the recent stipulations of various jurisdictions the Lay 76 had to have laminations added to the jaws in order to increase the surface area of the jaws. Today the Lay 76 Laminated, is certified to be used for wolves by the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS) in Canada, Russia and the European Union.

One of the original batch of traps built in 1976 and used to develop the trapping systems currently used and taught to capture predators by the use of humane foothold traps.
More than 5 unique features patented within the design make the trap as effective as possible, the Lay 76 is the most adjustable foot hold trap to ever exist and is patented as such. This is the most effective foot hold trap available for professional capture activities and projects that require the capture and holding of larger predators, for both predator conflict resolution or capture and release projects. The Lay 76 is the only tool of choice for the most discerning professionals. Designed for those who expect their equipment to get the job done wherever and whenever it may be required.

Designed by a trapper for trapping and used today by the designer and his son, who still build them by hand for professional wildlife capture. Since its initial design, it has been imitated by no less than five different individuals and/or companies. These imitations attempted to capitalize on the market for a more powerful and more effective tool without the knowledge and experience required to copy our design. Those that imitated our design were never able to duplicate the key features that make this trap so effective, user friendly and safe to use.

Wolf captured for research project and released with collar. Slight abrasion and bruising on the foot.
The only TRUE adjustable pan tension trap on the market. More than just a bolt to tighten.
The only trap on the market with adjustable spring power. End user can set and adjust spring power in order to accommodate for target species and project needs, easily and simply.
The only trap on the market with a quick release safety for non target catches and operator safety.
The only trap on the market with a integral swivel built into the chain anchor where it attaches to the trap. No need to add swivels on a new trap.
Lay 76 Original model jaw spread 8 5/8 x 7 1/4 inches Pan size 4 1/2 x 3 3/8 inches
Lay 76 Laminated model Jaw spread 8 1/8 x 7 1/4 inches Pan size 4 1/2 x 3 3/8 inches
Standard chain length comes at 60 cm/23 inches, alternative lengths available upon request
The only trap designed, built and used by predator capture professionals that know what works
The only trap PROVEN to be effective in all weather and landscapes including arid deserts, frozen barren lands, rain forests and everywhere in between.

For more examples of the effectiveness of the Lay 76 design and tactics visit the Lay 76 trap gallery.
For more information visit the QUICK RELEAS SAFETY AND SPRING ADJUSTMENT page.
To purchase either the Lay 76 original or Lay 76 Laminated or accessories visit the CONTACT US page to call and place your order
Lay 76 Original $250.00 CAD plus tax/shipping
Lay 76 Laminated $255.00 CAD plus tax/shipping

Example of Black Bear in a Lay 76 human foot trap is for representation purposes only. Lay 76 Traps are not recommended for capture of adult bears. The capture of adult Bears we recommend the Lay 77 Foot Hold Snare. Please visit that page for details.